Sacred Voice

A on stage in front of class CroppedYour Sacred Voice: Naad Yoga Chant & Sound Healing–

Your Sacred Voice is the voice of your soul’s purpose: an advanced spiritual discipline that engenders ecstatic states of coherent consciousness. We all had ancestors who were tapped  into the primal source of power, the  Kundalini feminine-nurturing-loving nature-based  Yin energy of Goddess Mother Earth, which once was predominant on our planet and is now being reinstated. The sacred sounds of chants, words, and songs open a doorway into multidimensional aspects of yourself where you can navigate to heal, evolve, and rearrange realities.

Through sessions provided at the end of weekly yoga sessions and workshops you will experience how you can use the power of sound to: ·

Heal your  emotional or physical pain, sometimes instantly ·
Balance and energize your chakras ·
Empower  your 5th chakra (throat), the key to emotional healing ·
Create your own vocal sadhana (daily spiritual practice) ·
Manifest your joyous  incredible life

Antion’s 40 year voice coaching, sound healing, daily practice of Sacred Voice and teaching, powerful musicianship, and multicultural sound mastery has given him a unique perspective to help you heal and evolve by nurturing and developing Your Sacred Voice within.

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